You are the reason for the Church

It can only get better from here!

Core value


At our church, worship is more than songs; it's a way of life. We follow Psalm 96:9, 'Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness

Word Search

We don't just read the Bible; we dig deep. Following 2 Timothy 2:15, we aim to understand and live by God's truth.


In life's battles, we pray based on the Bible. Ephesians 6:12 guides us: 'We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil.


Our community is built on love and fairness, living out Galatians 5:13: 'Through love, serve one another.' We genuinely care about each other's success.

About Us

The Pastor

The Church

“Welcome to The Levites Chapel International! I am thrilled to extend a warm embrace to you. As your pastor, I am honored to journey alongside you in faith. Our community is a place of love, growth, and discovery. Join us as we navigate the path of spiritual enrichment together. You’re not just here as to pass the time; consider yourself a unique part of our great family. Let’s walk this exciting journey of faith united in purpose and bound by God’s grace.”